Indhiya Therdhal Varalaaru
- BrandsSixthsense Publications
- Product Code: 978-93-83067-28-2( J264)
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: ₹1,222.00
This book is a historical document which explains each and every step of Indian politics from Nehru to Modi. Elections are the route cause for Indian democracy. We should not view election as an equipment for searching and getting rulers. Instead, we should view Indian political growth as a weapon which has the power to decide the future. This book explains all general elections met by independent India with its social, economic and political and historical background. It registers the method of evolution of India as democratic nation with accurate statics. This book explains parliamentary elections as well as Tamilnadu elections whicof ih are closed to our mind. This book does not stop with the small circle with things such as party, rule, vote, coalition, growth, fall, success and failure .It also focuses and approaches each and every aspect minutely such as Discussion ssues during election time,election promises, events which decided the election, debuted turning points. This book explains each and every feature which decided the path of politics such as Lingual problems, religious politics, extremism, foreign policy and scandal deeply. The author gave special attention to the incidents which blended completely with politics such as Kashmir problem, relationship with china, emergency, Mandal commission, Srilanka, new economic policy, demolish of Babar mosque , Growth of B.J.P., Gujarat calamity, spectrum, Modi’s Gujarat, movements against scandal. This is the first tamil book which registers national political history through elections.
Book Information | |
Author | R. Muthukumar |
Size | A4 |
Pages | 608 |
Jacket | PB |